Posts tagged ‘Blog’

I’m Back

After months away and a few half arsed attempts to get back into blogging I have decided to return. I’m not entirely sure why though. I do know that over the last 12 months my life has changed a whole lot and maybe I need to get back into writing my thoughts down. Who knows how much things are going to change in the next 12 months?

I guess that I will elaborate on the details in the next few weeks and that there may be a few retrospective posts to look back on the last year. I will have to keep things brief and not go too much into details, but I never did that in the past anyway.

Blog Relaunched

This is the relaunched Blah Blah Blah. I will slowly be transferring all the respectable posts that I have made from my other blogs to this one. The reason I have decided to relaunch this thing as the old blogs became a bit unruly and the fun went out of blogging. I also think that I went off track a bit and lost the purpose of doing this thing. Hopefully this will allow me to find that purpose again and will allow this thing to be full of quality (LOL) posts and not total crap.